Wednesday, December 08, 2004

It can't happen here

Those wacko Russians will stop an nothing, but at least we're still too civilized to try something like this ...

"VIENNA (Reuters) - Poisoning remains one of the possibilities behind Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko's illness during election campaigning, Medical experts investigating his ailments said on Wednesday.

Yushchenko fell ill in September while on the presidential campaign trail and was flown to Austria for treatment. He later accused the authorities of trying to kill him with poison.

The Times newspaper in Britain on Wednesday quoted West-leaning Yushchenko's personal physician in Vienna, Mykola Korpan, as saying that the opposition leader had been poisoned in an attempt on his life."

It can't happen here ... no, wait. Yes it can. I forgot, it's Anything Goes now. Nevermind.

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