Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Red states & black students continue to lag.

Draw your own conclusions...

"In the nation's public schools, 14.1 percent of the class of 2005 passed at least one AP test, up from 13.2 percent a year before. In 2000, 10.2 percent of high school seniors passed an AP test.

The number of students passing at least one test increased by nearly 120,000 from 2000 to 2005. But black students continued to take the exams at lower rates than white students, and their overall scores remained a level behind whites last year.

Nationwide, black students make up 13.4 percent of the student population, but only 6.4 percent of the students taking AP exams. The percentage of white and Latino students taking the tests more closely mirrored their numbers in the classroom

... meanwhile, red states continue to show why they're red:

Forty-four states and the District of Columbia increased the percentage of students passing at least one AP test last year. The percentage of students passing at least one test declined in five states — Florida, Nevada, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Wyoming. It was flat in Louisiana.

New York led the nation with 22.8 percent of its high school seniors passing at least one test. Louisiana was last with 2.5 percent."

... 2.5% is around a tenth the national average. I guess that explains why La was flat -- it's hard to get any lower.

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