Monday, May 17, 2004

How you can tell the terrorists are winning

Terrorists are Winning Dept (courtesy of This Is True) ...
#1 The Office of Foreign Assets
Control, the division of the U.S. Treasury Department that has been
tasked with tracking down and freezing the financial assets of
terrorists, has admitted it only has four full-time agents working on
the task. By comparison, it has 21 full-time agents investigating
violations of the U.S.'s economic embargo on Cuba. (AP)

#2 Girl Scout troops in Martin County, Fla.,
decided to have a Mother's Day "scavenger hunt" at the Treasure Coast
Square Mall. Fathers would accompany their daughters and go "window
shopping" for items on the hunt list, marking them off as they spotted
them, and then shop for a nice present for Mom when they were done. At
least 150 father/daughter pairs signed up, but mall management wouldn't
allow the hunt, citing "security" concerns in the post-9/11 world.
"Since Sept. 11, we have looked at our security procedures very
closely," said mall spokeswoman Rachelle Crain. First, "How do we know
they're Girl Scouts?" she said of the uniformed 5- to 18-year-old
girls. But, more importantly, "Our enhanced security prohibits us from
hosting events that allow participants to wander freely around the mall
area." (Stuart News)

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